Fun Fact!

Do you know what voluntary and involuntary muscles are?

Voluntary muscles are muscles that we can move, like arm and leg muscles (biceps)

Involuntary muscles are muscles that move on their own, like the cardiac muscle (heart)


Here is our newest fun fact!   Who is the only Tiger to have ever hit a homerun over the left field grandstand???????  Cecil Fielder.  Fielder did this during his first season with the Tigers in 1990!  Only 3 other players have cleared the left field roof.

Fun Facts

Did you know…your sneeze exceeds 100mph?  There is a good reason why you can not keep your eyes open when you sneeze – that sneeze rockets out of your body at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour!  That is a VERY good reason to cover your mouth when you sneeze 🙂